Emotional Coaching Methods

What is emotional coaching? Emotional coaching is a method used to help soothe and calm a young person who is in an emotionally vulnerable state. Often children that have experienced trauma and/or have poor emotional coping skills. They may be unable to deal with the day to day ups and downs experienced by other children

By |2017-01-02T15:38:33+00:00January 2nd, 2017|Categories: Resources|Tags: , , , |0 Comments

Wellbeing Toolkit Review

This document has been updated and the latest Wellbeing Toolkit can be found here. If I could select one training course in the last 18 months I have attended that has provided me with the most useful guidance for supporting students with SEMH needs, the Wellbeing Toolkit Training provided by Dr Tina Rae would be

By |2021-01-29T14:28:44+00:00January 2nd, 2017|Categories: Review, Training|Tags: , , , , |3 Comments
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