This functional behavioural assessment / indicator tool is for informational purposes only. It does not replace professional diagnosis and advice. By using this tool you agree to not hold this site or it’s owners liable for any actions you may or may not take based on the information provided.
Welcome to the Functional Behaviour Assessment / Indicator tool, the first of many tools to be added to this website. Primarily a behavior assessment system for children, it also provides advice on how to improve self esteem in young people.

This tool, the behavior assessment system for children, is completely free to access (via and hosted entirely online. By utilising a wide range of questions linked to key themes it provides a range of strategies and links to help support your practice. On completion of the questions, scores are allocated for the following themes:
- Sensory – behaviours that are linked to seeking or avoiding sensory stimulation
- Attention – behaviours that are linked to gaining the attention of peers / adults (attention needing)
- Escape – behaviours designed to escape from environments / situations that cause significant distress
- Control – behaviours that seek to take control of an environment / other adults in order to reduce anxieties / unpredictability.
Behaviour Assessment System For Children
The scores provided at the end give an overview of the key themes are how relevant each are to the behaviours being seen. Following this the statements are analysed individually and strategies provided for each. Links to resources are made and books that can help develop your knowledge further. The tool is designed to help provide both primary behaviour strategies and secondary guidance too. From this advice provided a “behaviour management plan” (as used in some schools) or positive behaviour plan can be put together to help meet the underlying needs related to the behaviour. The tool can best be described as a behaviour assessment system for children (although titled “Functional Indicator Tool” but also has links to self esteem. The underlying methods used rely on functional behaviour assessment techniques in order to develop an idea about the needs requiring to be met to establish a positive behaviour approach to support behaviour change.
Please make use of the feedback form to help support the continued development of this project. It can be found on completion of the questions.